We have a variety of organizations that involve parents and school staff in our school.
School Site Council (SSC)
The Joyner School Site Council (SSC) is an elected, decision-making group made up of parents, teachers, the principal, school staff, and community members who work together to do great things for Joyner's kids!
The SSC plans school goals and objecttives, reviews and approves program modifications, monitors progress and evaluates outcomes. The Council is charged with the legal responsibility to insure services that meet the needs of special student populations. The SSC is also responsible for categorical funding such as Title 1, Second Language and GATE. In other words, the SSC helps make decisions about how to provide an outstanding education program for all students at Joyner.
Elected parents serve in the SSC. All meetings are open and parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
For more information on the School Site Council, contact the office at 619-640-4000
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Schools with 21 or more students in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program must establish an English Learner Advisory Committee. The purpose of ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Learners. At Joyner, the ELAC is a subcommittee of the School Site Council (SSC). The subcommittee serves as the advisory body to the school on four key issues:
The school plan for English Learners
Needs assessment
Administration of language census
Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of attendance.
ELAC officers are elected every two years and the committee meets once a month.
For more information email ELAC Advisor, Maggie Perez-Garcia, at [email protected]
Student Study Team
The Student Study Team (SST) is a forum to discuss student learning and achievement, and any factors that might affect the academic, social, emotional growth or physical health of students. It provides an opportunity to brainstorm about issues and potential solutions in an effort to help each student to achieve his/her potential. Although members of the SST may vary, it usually consists of the principal, a parent, nurse, resource specialist, and a district counselor. If there is an expressive/receptive language concern, the English Learner Support Teacher may attend. A school psychologist may also be present to offer suggestions or possible interventions.
At Joyner, the SST meets weekly. Anyone working with a student may request an SST, including a parent. Parents are valuable members of the team, and can share pertinent history, strengths and concerns about their child.
Possible outcomes of the SST might include:
Better understanding of the student and his/her needs
Implementation of one or more interventions, such as changing seating arrangements in the classroom, modification of assignments, tutoring, or referral to a community agency.
For more information, please contact the school office at 619-640-4000.